
Good Dad Studios - Tape

Written and Directed by: Olivia Maaghul @oliviamaaghul
Producer: Karla O. Armendariz @karlaodette.film
Director of PhotographyP: Spencer Greene @spencergreenefilm
1st Assistant Camera: Joe Marks @joemarks717
2nd Assistant Camera/ Swing: Angel Ortiz @angelllortiz
Gaffer: Tanner Toland @tannertolandpictures
Stylist: Drake Muyinza @drq.m
Production Coordinator: Jaqueline Overby @jaquelineoverbyart
Production Designer: David Wright @gdwright_art
Production Assistant: Daniela Guajardo @_daniela.guajardo

Office Worker 1: Thomas Cook @thomascook_art
Office Worker 2: Priscilla Lustig @priscillalustig
Office Worker 3: Taylor Jacobsen @studioofdesign
Office Worker 4: Joe Marks @joemarks717
Office Worker 5: Karla O. Armendariz @karlaodette.film


Levi's X Vogue